MX Linux is a very popular distro and pretty unique Linux distros. The XFCE desktop, thedefault set of apps, pre-installed Conky and powerful settings app are just someof the amazing features that thisdistro has to offer.
Top 10 distros Linux
openSUSE is generally a distro aimed at developers and system admins, but manypeople use it because of its KDE desktop. Actually, I used to run openSUSE exactly because of its excellent KDE desktop experience, but now some distros deliver a much better KDE desktop experience. You will find one of them below.
elementaryOS is one of the best-looking distros out there. Its desktop resembles thelook and feel of macOS, which makes it very practical. Being based on Ubuntu,elementaryOS is stable and follows a rollingrelease model.
sorry i meant clear linux os, which i deleted today, installed fedora, have tried about 100 in 4 weeks , expecting my monitor to wave a white flag* only linux i really liked was cub linux but it can not be updated.keep trying .
Linux is available in a number of versions, so each user can find the right fit for their needs. These versions are called Linux distributions or "distros". Each Linux distro can be freely downloaded or installed as you wish. Some popular Linux distributions you'll find today include Linux Mint, Majaro, Debian, Ubuntu, Solus, and Opensuse.
But how many distributions are there exactly? There are over 600 active Linux distros and hundreds more in development. Why are there so many distributions? Well, developers make and distribute new Linux-based operating systems because they simply can. Say you want a new feature in an operating system, instead of reaching out to the company and offering suggestions for future updates you, the user, can develop your own distro and add the features you want.
If you research the factors we've mentioned above, you're pretty much qualified to find the best Linux distro. However, if you want to start looking somewhere small, go over the shortlist we've compiled below. Our list consists of some of the top Linux distros today including those that will suit beginners or professionals, for specific purposes such as gaming, hacking, or programming, and in various shapes and sizes.
Ubuntu is perfect for a wide range of applications. It is great for beginners since its initial setup is pretty simple, and it is also highly stable, in fact, everything from its interface to its software is geared toward regular users. However, this does not imply that professionals or developers shouldn't use Ubuntu. In fact, Ubuntu is one of those distros that is perfect for beginners and professionals alike. App developers, web developers, data scientists, engineering managers, and programmers can all benefit from Ubuntu. Many people primarily use Ubuntu as developing software.
So what should be using CentOS? If you are a business owner, you may want to work with CentOS simply because it is much more secure and stable, and it comes with cPanel support, which not all distros offer. At the same time, it is also user-friendly and easy to install and set up, making it great for beginners too!
If you want to use a Linux operating system, you can choose from many different Linux distros tailored to target various user groups. For beginners, Windows switchers, or professionals, everything is there. Here in this article, we have gathered the Top Linux distros for the month of September 2022.
Why some linux distros are not properly installing on virtualbox? Even if installed they develop some sort of errors such as mouse pointer not showing or stuck up, boot failure, then live desktop not vanishing after installation, etc.
The standard Debian OS, one of the most stable distros around, and its popular offshoot Ubuntu are great, all-around choices for a Linux distribution, but if you have more specialized needs, you might want a Debian Linux alternative.
It seems that as Linux distributions come out, some people think they just have too much stuff in them and release "minimal" Linux distros. SparkyLinux is yet another take on creating a "minimalist" desktop distro.
There are countless Linux distros to explore, and more people will build on the Debian/Ubuntu codebase in the future. Keep in mind that having so many operating systems available for free can lead to distro-hopping.
It used to be hard to install programs on Linux, but that's no longer the case. Under the hood, things can still be complex, but now almost all distros have application stores. These make installing new programs as simple as pick and click.
BlackArch is one of the best Linux distros for privacy based on Arch Linux OS. It contains more than 1600 tools which are suitable for security testing. The 32-bit and 64-bit devices are compatible with Arch Linux and ARM-based development boards such as the BeagleBone and Raspberry Pi. You can install the BlackArch on the newest version of Arch Linux, as the toolset for the former is accessible in the unofficial repository for Arch Linux.
This Arch-based Linux distro is one of a kind, just like its counterpart Manjaro Linux. Even though both distros have Arch Linux running below the hood, they both differ from each other. EndeavourOS is a community-driven OS, and comes well-equipped with a few handy desktop environments, namely:
When you do a Google search for the best lightweight Linux distros, you are sure to come across a variety of such operating systems. The truth be told, a significant percentage of these Linux distributions might not be up to the mark when it comes to their features, security, speed, and the overall Linux experience.
Bodhi Linux is another popular operating system to make our list of lightweight Linux distros. Its minimum hardware requirements are sure to amaze you since the OS only requires a 500 MHz processor, 256 MB memory, and 5 GB storage space to run properly. Now in this day and age, even decade-old computers would have these needed specifications. And, although its newer versions work on 64-bit systems only, you can give a shot to Bodhi Linux Legacy if you want a Linux distro for your 32-bit computer.
Each Linux distro is streamlined for a particular use case. The overwhelming majority are open-source, meaning that the distro is built and maintained by the community and that they are all free (with the odd exception). Remember that many of these distros are available as 1-click applications on the Atlantic.Net Cloud.
Plus, the Manjaro community is large and active. For any issue that arises chances are I can find a Manjaro forum post about it (or someone willing to point me in the direction of a solution). Community is an important aspect of any distro. The Linux kernel is the heart of most distros but its community that is the lifeblood.
OK, let's do it. I'm going to tell you about my top five distros of the past decade. A (very) longview on usability, functional and cultural (so to speak) impact, the value, the quality, the fun I gotout of them, how they shaped my usability - and that of others, and a few other interesting tidbits.Nostalgia, forget we must not.
I have to say I struggled with choosing the most adequate name for this spot. But then, I realized Iwas overcomplicating things. Linux Mint Petra was one of those spotless, 10/10 distributionsthat did everything perfectly. It probably doesn't resonate with too many users as it wasn't an LTS,and thus, didn't hang around long enough to be noticed and used extensively. However, it is a greatexample of a community project done well. It was refreshing, smart, elegant. In the Linux community,creativity seems to come in long pulses, and you can observe the glory days of KDE, Gnome, Xfce andalike, and then break it down to particular distros, as well. For me, Mints 16-17 were top notch stuff.While Rosa Xfce is probably a more enduring product, Petra had a bit more passion, more joy.
You may not remember this little release - but it was one of those feisty Xfce distros thatdelivered a good, handsome punch. It also made it onto my little Asus eeePC netbook, and did a great job there, offering remarkablespeed and functionality, beyond the expected capability of this underpowered device. Any trip down thememory lane is a tricky experience, but I remember Pangolin handling any and every task robustly. Thenetbook traveled, it got used wildly, and Xubuntu never complained.
Docker Desktop does not require any particular Linux distros to be installed. The docker CLI and UI all work fine from Windows without any additional Linux distros. However for the best developer experience, we recommend installing at least one additional distro and enabling Docker support by:
Docker Desktop installs two special-purpose internal Linux distros docker-desktop and docker-desktop-data. The first (docker-desktop) is used to run the Docker engine (dockerd) while the second (docker-desktop-data) stores containers and images. Neither can be used for general development.
All the distros are maded in a different way, some distros focus on the development platform, other in the graphics and other on the servers. If you want your linux in your server, start looking for a safer distro. CentOS, Red Hat, Suse, Ubuntu and Trustixel are safre than linspire, because they are oriented to that.
Many distros has a long way to the next release, the good is they are the most stable of all, but the other part is the software, drivers and the look is a little old. If you want the newest effects, software and the newest linux tech, change your eyes to another distro.
Manjaro Linux is another very beautiful OS. Like OpenSUSE and Linux Mint, its main color theme is green and because its a rolling release, you never have to worry about clean installations like you might need to when working with Ubuntu, Ubuntu-based (or alike) distros. 2ff7e9595c