The most common is taking them directly from the machine in question. Windows password hashes are stored in the SAM file; however, they are encrypted with the system boot key, which is stored in the SYSTEM file. If a hacker can access both of these files (stored in C:WindowsSystem32Config), then the SYSTEM file can be used to decrypt the password hashes stored in the SAM file. The SAM file is not directly accessible on a running Windows system, but it can be accessed via tools like Mimikatz or through the reg command (if the hacker has SYSTEM privileges).
Password Minder (PWM), from DevelopMentor's Keith Brown, lets you use one master password to access passwords for multiple resources and stores the credential cache in a secured file as part of your user profile. Instead of having to remember multiple passwords, you need to remember only the master password, which PWM uses to automatically retrieve your other passwords from an encrypted XML file.
Enter Password For The Encrypted File Setup ReCap 2012 Key